I ordered these bags because I needed at least 5 for my best quality dresses. Even if I find the price of these 6 bags quite high like everyone else, I am satisfied with the overall quality. The plastic isn't super thick, but I don't need it. They are better quality than others I've seen that are cheaper. I mean how thick should the plastic be? I don't like the description "soul protection". I think it was a description of plastic but that is misleading. I wouldn't say the plastic is the same as a sheer shower curtain, but it's thinner. They are way better than dry cleaning bags as some claim, with other bag brands being cheaper. I feel the bags will repel any water (or anything) that accidentally gets on the bag without consequences. They do their job and I feel confident they will protect my clothes from dust. I also wanted 72" bags because all my dresses are midi length and I wanted to make sure I didn't have to stack them at the bottom of the bag. I also found them very comfortable for 2 dresses with no " The only problem I had with these bags were the zippers. When I first pulled the bag down the sides didn't separate, but when I unzipped it again pulled up top where the hanger went through, the sides would separate (you'd think they would zip the sides together). Then I opened it up again (sides separated), put the dress in the bag, and zipped the bag up, and the sides closed together as usual. It was strange. When I unzipped and rezipped the zipper it worked like a normal zipper although at first I thought the zippers were broken. This happened to 4 out of 6 pockets. The other two pockets Haven't used it yet. Not to say the zippers were great quality but I'm sure how often I have to close my bags in my daily life eat and open? Overall these bags have met my needs and I am sure I will have them for so many Oh how much I need. I am generally satisfied with the price-performance ratio! After all, garment bags do not have to be constantly replaced.
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