After a long tenure of managing my own business, I decided to seek help from Gartner in 2019 to make sure I was doing all I could to keep my business going. During this time I realized that many of the services offered by companies such as Google Meet and Zoom were not suited to my business model. I had multiple meetings scheduled each week with clients who would normally come to the office. Now with the Covid-19 crisis happening around the world, it made sense to move all our meetings to an online format. This meant I needed to find a way to collaborate remotely. When we got in touch with Gartner, they understood our situation immediately and came up with a perfect solution. They gave us the flexibility we needed to conduct all our business without the distraction of having to meet face to face. Not only did we save money on our monthly rent, but our business productivity went up because we didn’t have to waste precious hours sitting in traffic trying to find parking space in the city. The best thing about this service is that it integrates perfectly with Google Calendar and Office 365. This means we can now access the information that we need right when we need it.