The phone is charging from the remote control. It is better to take a COMBO set. Three batteries, for 1 hour 20 minutes of flight is stable. You can shoot holidays and corporate parties) HD quality, the lights are very juicy. Some pros: This is the best option for a novice pilot. It flies for a long time, shoots with high quality, fast video transfer to the phone for subsequent editing. Have you ever wanted to lift your phone higher and shoot a video? This is even better. In sport mode, you can fly fast, practice making turns, smooth overflights. I broke my first quadcopter for test flights in 2 days. Specially bought the cheapest. Mavic allows you to just fly, and not pay attention to the slightest breath of the breeze. With its cons. So far, it is not possible to fly further than 300 meters. Apparently you need a direct line of sight between the remote control and the copter. Tall trees reduce signal quality. I thought it would be better, but it doesn't bother me at all. There is no follow me mode, no collision sensors in the back, front, etc. Landing sensors only.