The ability to build strong connections with great people at all levels of my organization has been very successful for us through this platform. I am not sure there is anything that we don't like about working with them. We are using MAPRECUIT in two ways- 1.) A talent sourcing service where our recruiters can find qualified applicants online and connect them with opportunities within our organization. 2.). To augment the human recruiting experience by giving recruiers access to data analysis tools to help improve their candidate screening skills and make more informed decisions when reviewing applications from job seekers who have an interest in jobs or roles within our business. The ability to track your applications and screen calls is great! I love that you can see where you stand in the process. It's also very easy to apply for jobs. There isn't much I dislike about this platform. They have helped me get my career off the ground. They are always willing to help if there is anything they can do for me. I've been able to find new jobs through them and it has really helped with getting back into the workforce.