I have been using it constantly for many years. Until the device failed. There were AGMs, there were simple batteries. There were no difficulties. Read the instructions - in winter, in cold weather, we set the usual battery to AGM mode. I did not measure the current, only the voltage - the device itself does everything according to science. My advice to you is to change the battery more often. There are, for example, standard Hong Kong factory for sale, they are much cheaper, and the reliability is high. Do not listen to the sellers, they will sell imported brands under any pretext, apparently, the interest from them is higher. Before buying, inquire about the release date, if they are only a month or two, take them right away! When handing over the old, the price of the new one will not exceed 2022-2500. Enough for 3 years (this is without noticeable loss of performance and any maintenance of the electrolyte), so that 700 a year. If the electrolyte is followed, serviced, then it will definitely last another year or two. Well, charging to help if you drive a little, and the battery does not have time to charge. And one more piece of advice - when fastening the standard terminals, carefully tighten the nuts, try not to physically load or bend the battery terminals. They are not so securely held in the plastic case of the battery, so they become leaky - they can start sweating with acid, and the terminals will become overgrown with salt.
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