I have a 1970 Chevelle Malibu 502 BB which, like all big blocks, always ran very hot. I recently installed a new aftermarket air conditioner and was dying to try it out. I have a good temperature gauge and I look at it all the time, especially on hot days. As usual, he worked 210-220 in city traffic and 225-235 in road traffic. This was without turning on the air conditioning. The radiator was from OPG which is a few years old and designed for 454 SS engines so I decided to bite the bullet and go for an aluminum radiator. They claimed 20 degrees cooler so I installed BeCool #17008. The OEM design has a stock look, with a matte black finish and screws. It actually lowers the temperature by 20 degrees. My only complaint is that the bottom part didn't fit. I found the correct Napa #FM65 and it works fine.