1. To be honest, I'm shocked. Charged the battery for the first time. For some time I climbed through the settings, then I put in a memory card, I managed to take a dozen pictures and three videos for a minute, well, import via Wi-Fi to the computer. That's all. And the battery is dead! In short, for a Wi-Fi device, this is nice, but for a regular battery, this is a complete skiff! Use only with AKC-DC80 adapter. Also, very slowly. Then it will be more convenient, the old proven USB. 2. Of course, I'm new to digital photography, so it's probably a real problem to focus through tree branches. Even with manual focus turned on, getting to the exact value is not easy. That way you can skip all the "unforgettable" moments. 3. The dimensions of the device do not correspond to the design, they could have made it larger. You look and the optics would have been set faster and the controls would have been more convenient, and most importantly, the battery would have been made larger. 4. Digital Photo Professional can't even convert to negative.
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