Nice bag. I use a military style duffel bag to protect all the fragile plastic fasteners, buckles, hanging straps, zippers, etc. on my lightweight trekking style backpack from airport baggage handling equipment when I travel. The lockable openings on these bags protect your belongings from being stolen by anyone who may be paid to keep your bag out of sight on buses, boats, trains etc. or to have access to your room while you are away. Of course, any razor blade will easily cut Cordura, but plausible denial is lost and most would-be thieves know their job and don't want to risk confronting the local police. These bags are also great for emergencies when you shop too much abroad, and they make good hotel-left gear for non-essential items that you might not want to carry on your back on a long hike. I bought this for my wife's backpack and ended up swapping with her and keeping it for myself. It seems a little larger than my military bag (easily swallows my 70L Osprey backpack) and while it's well made and almost identical to my military bag, the stitching on the straps feels a little looser. It will take time to realize this potential issue, but my overall impression of build quality and durability is only slightly lower than my US military duffel bag. So far the bag has survived a tiring trip to Mongolia and looks like it will perform well for years to come.
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