These are regular budget sneakers. All materials are man-made, synthetic rubber outsole is harder than usual. The style is a matter of taste but I think it's a decent looking shoe with mountain outlines along the outside of the shoe reminiscent of the Alpine Swiss branding. Or could it be the outlines of mountains in China, where they are made? The shoes get into trouble if you look inside. It has the thinnest insole with a minimum of removable parts, which is also good because it's very bad. The insole does not support the arch at all. If you have high arches or plantar fasciitis, you should overcome them. The shoes look nice, but a bad insole only bothers me personally. Since the insole is removable, you can buy better insoles to put in. But by the time you do, you might be buying better shoes from many manufacturers like ASICS, which I wear most of the time. If you have a teenager or teenager who changes shoes fairly regularly, this is a budget option. Otherwise, like many budget shoes on the market, they are low-priced - you need to cut costs somewhere, and the insole is what you need.