I received this trampoline on 09/06/2017. We first used the house on 09/10/2017 when I noticed a hole in the red step to enter the house. I informed the earth about the cracks and they sent me a patch for the hole. I patched it in, it was very good, and Super Sticky seemed to do a good job of solving the problem. Here is 09/16/2017 and we had a family and I installed a house for children, ages of children from 3 to 8 years. Therefore, in my opinion, the children are not very rude, and one of them falls into the net between the slide and the wall. The network is completely broken. Then I start going through the slide and now there are all sorts of threads hanging all over the place. The stitching on the slide is terrible, no knots were tied at the ends of the stitches and can easily be torn. I would not recommend this film to anyone at this price. This is a very poorly made product. I've included photos of the stitching beginning to unravel in over 30 places. Revain allows you to attach up to 20 photos.
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