I bought these bags based on the many positive reviews. Unfortunately I will not buy these bags for the second time. The bags come in 4 continuous rolls which is handy for separate parts of the house but they are all attached and need to be torn off at the perforations. It's okay if they don't tear when you tear them apart. They are also much thinner than I expected, not entirely black and you can see light shining through some areas of the bag which makes me think the overall design of these bags is inconsistent. I wanted a bin liner that I could use not only for rubbish but also for storing off season clothes etc so I went with these based on reviews that they didn't smell. I have found that many brands now smell of a strong chemical odor and I am sensitive to this and also don't want the smell and chemicals in it to be transferred to clothing etc. However, I do not notice any strong chemical odor. The smell from these bags, there is a slight smell of plastic. The pockets are gathered open at the bottom, which is nice. I've experienced some packet bumps when full, which isn't so nice. I'm also not a fan of separate zip ties for closing packages. They come without a lid so you need to be sure not to overfill them. I use them in a 30 gallon container and you can't fill them all the way. If you're looking for a cheap, no-frills plastic trash bag that doesn't get used for a lot of trash, these bags may do the trick for you. To me it just doesn't cost much more value to get these bags.
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