Judging by the picture it's bigger than it actually is, which I think is a good thing. I plugged it into a USB 3.1 port and plugged in a power brick, which took up a lot of space in my power strip. I would have preferred a laptop-style power supply with a brick in the middle, but it is, and I don't. I don't think it was worth taking the star off. Remember that you need this space. I popped in a couple of USB sticks and they were recognized straight away and worked fine, when I got to my 256GB flash it didn't work at all and I tried every port from above. . I've also tried several USB hard drives and found that some work and some don't. Personally I don't care because I basically got this to have better access to the ports on the back of my computer and the drives that work with it live permanently in the hub now. I can still use ports on the front of my computer for devices that don't work with them, so it's a good compromise. However, I suspect that USB 3.1 drives should be backwards compatible with USB 3.0, which is just the first generation of USB 3.1. that for some reason my USB 3.1 Gen 2 is not working with this hub.
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