I work in a special education class. Last month our weekly news lesson for you focused on Tommy Line's customization clothing. While we were keen to learn about this new clothing line, we weren't quite sure how the magnets in the clothes work. When I showed this cute shirt to the students and other teachers, everyone understood. This shirt is not only cute but also easier to put on. Some of our students need help getting dressed. One of the problems, of course, is the ability to pull shirts over your head. Magnets allow you to enlarge the head hole, making the shirt easy to put on. The quality of the shirt is excellent, which is what I expected from the Tommy Hilfiger name. There is some glitter on the heart image but the glitter doesn't come off or land on things like some shirts. One of the teachers has a little girl with Down syndrome. She loved this shirt and she liked dressing herself. I am so happy to see such dresses!
Детская одежда для девочек: Spotted Zebra 👧 длинные рукава для малышей, футболки и блузки
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Покупайте удобные и без бирок футболки Kid Nation Crewneck коллекции для девочек! Высококачественная одежда, топы, футболки и блузки для вашей маленькой модницы!
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