Neon green and neon pink! This color combination is reminiscent of fresh fruit! These Joy-Cons are pretty vibrant in color. The only problem is that Neon Pink is very similar to Neon Red. So if you already have red, you probably don't need pink. Mechanically they are solid and they worked straight away with my Nintendo Switch. While it's great that Nintendo offers colors that aren't limited to one Joy-Con or another, "color-changing" alternatives like this pair of green/pink Joy-Cons can create confusion when ordering online. This particular pair consists of a green left Joy-Con and a pink right Joy-Con, as opposed to the pink left and green right pair sold in North America. I'm not surprised that some customers who order a Japanese green/pink pair get an American pink/green pair instead. Of course, if you don't care which side is which color, then that's no problem either. Remember that Joy-Cons are regionally independent! I got the correct Japanese green/pink pair from Adler Deals.