Do you like having blisters on your knuckles and right thumb after 30 minutes of play? This is the controller for you! Do you stop playing games after 10pm because your controller might wake up the neighbors? Alright, we've got you covered! Sorry, but this controller is wildly overrated and deserves a real review. In this case I only make cons because, honestly, the only pluses are its plug and play (which no longer exists?) and its responsiveness. After a long life of gaming, I was hoping to replace my PS4 controller with something more reliable. I have an arsenal of controllers that just died years before their natural age. But they are always comfortable in my hands. but this guy. this little demon. supernaturally loud keystrokes. (No kidding. Woke up my brother!) I was skeptical about "hard release buttons," but really. They are. Almost as if you were trying to laboriously run your fingers through the sand. My guess is that the controller was designed so that your pointers and index fingers are always on the top buttons. If you want to play it like a modern controller, if you leave your index finger alone, it'll rub its "horns" against your knuckles until they're wet and blistered (this took 30 minutes). The right thumb is relatively next to the "A" key. In this case, if you keep pressing the "A" key, the joystick will rub against your thumb and make it rough. Then there is noise. It's like driving nails into a tin can to scare away bears, the price is cheap and it shows. It's as if each button just wants to come off and is screaming for you to help it. Order another controller and put this unfortunate monster out of its torment. This should never have happened.