This is by far the highest quality bag I have ever owned. It has a luxurious feel yet is durable. This slim bag has a long body strap. Don't worry about it slipping off your shoulder or someone snatching it from you as they walk by. As a travel bag I have used much larger bags in the past, but then they weigh too much and are uncomfortable to carry. I tried my fat wallet that held all my credit cards, ID, medical cards, etc. and it went right into the middle section. Inside there are many small open compartments for the most used cards. Just unzip and pull out your ID or preferred credit card without having to rummage around. The outer pockets have strong magnets that keep them closed. I put my boarding pass in one and my phone in the other. In my old bag I had to open 6 different zippers to find out where I had hidden things. I really like this new bag, not only when traveling but also for a quick trip to the store or visiting places where there are many people.
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