I like to have my own webpage with all of this software! It helps me promote myself without having other people run it or do stuff for you. Not much but everything is great!! This web page makes itself easy so i dont need someone running back n forth trying not get things right anymore. ! Just go from A - Z online in less than an hour if u can manage time/energy. !! No complaints atall just want more features added eventually once they are developed then we'll see how satisfied everyone gets lol keep up what ur doing because there's alot out here who wants some free money as soon us possible hahaha :) The only thing about link 2 city when its working properly is keeping track off whats getting clicked most often compared too others pages etc which ones seem good sometimes doesnt always work best way around thats why im saying add feature later down line :). Help advertise services better through social media platforms such facebook instagram twitter google adsense pay per click advertising campaigns help increase amount received each day via these mediums plus be able t o find new ways to use them also! Thanks again team love ya guys very important part needed now adays thanks 4 supporting businesses!! Hope I like how they help you out in all aspects of your business. They are always available to help. I have had some issues with their team but it was resolved as soon as we talked about it. Keep up the good work! The best thing is that they do what they say they will do. I would highly recommend the services they provide. Their service level is amazing. We have been able to use them for our SEO needs and it has helped us grow our online presence and reach more people.