This bag was about $10 cheaper than its Fjällräven equivalent and I thought I got a good deal. And I read all the negative reviews on here about fakes and I still pulled the trigger. When the bag arrived it looked pretty real and appeared to be well made. But after reading some about how to spot the fake versions of these bags, I examined the evidence and also compared them side by side with the real bags (bought from the Fjällräven shop). And no question, I caught a fake. The absence of the Swedish flag is one thing, and some of the lines are very dirty. But in general it's pretty decent for a fake. It's been a few months now and the bag is holding up well. And if I wasn't really looking for problems, I don't think I would ever know that I didn't have a real business. 2 stars. I certainly don't like fakes and normally that would be 1 star but it wasn't a 100% bad buy. But overall I do not recommend you to buy this product here.
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