This is NOT a color monitor. If you are a professional pass by. I went through about 10 models and I probably know about them, that's all. I'll start with the MATRIX, there were no broken pixels in any copy, but each copy had a blue-violet stripe around the perimeter of the frame, and some kind of muddy display. Only in the version for the Chinese market, this glow was almost minimal, but it was. The glow is predominantly on the white fill of the screen, on other colors it is not so obvious, but it is present. If you're on MacOS, you'll notice this when the top bar disappears and the app has a light interface. It is treated by the constant inclusion of the upper bar. And on the sides - it is not treated, unless the wallpaper is dark. But who needs to adapt to the purchase, and not vice versa? COLOR RENDERING This is the creepiest thing I've ever seen, it's impossible to calibrate. The whole screen is in warm color gradients, I see it with my eye and my colleagues too. The backlight is not uniform, in one part of the screen you have warm white / gray in the other cold. Clearly noticeable when working in office programs. The calibration report is just a printed sheet from reality that has nothing to do with reality, if measured at one point in the middle of the screen where everything is fine with colors, then yes, it looks like the truth, but in other places it is a hoax. Next, I tested 10 such monitors for two months, the same problems everywhere, the glow around the perimeter (it is somewhere less, somewhere more). I had two Chinese versions, everything was better there, but far from ideal. I am enclosing a photo - on one I tweaked the settings so that these same thermal gradients and uneven backlighting could be better seen. On the other, as it is, you can notice blackouts. I don’t see any more sense in attaching, on all other copies it’s the same, but in different places. Bottom line: I bought in different stores, at different prices from 35.000 to 55.000 to exclude the problem of the party, but no. I returned all the monitors, bought another model, from another brand.