In a nutshell, my better half approves of the appearance. It infuriates me that such a large amount of money was frittered away on it. If I were you, I'd look at professional technology rather than technology designed by marketers specifically for well-off housewives. Some pros: The product has a large number of nozzles designed for a variety of surfaces, as well as a docking station that is easy to use. Excellent customer service: I informed them via email that the brush was blocked, and they promptly sent a replacement bristle set at no additional cost. Having these drawbacks: To begin with the negative: the vacuum cleaner was marketed as a model that catered to people who had pets. This unfortunate event is handled poorly by him: all of the wool gets jammed into the wheels of the nozzles (on the plus side, the new nozzle has less wheels). - In normal mode, it creates a lot of dust, and in turbo mode, it whistles quite loudly and is just generally unpleasant to use. - When you attempted to crawl below the sofa, the paint on the tube peeled off quite rapidly after coming into contact with the fabric of the sofa. It has already been said here, but it bears repeating: the brush might not collect all of the waste, but it will certainly push it further. If you try to use the carpet brush on a carpet with a pile that is thicker than usual, you will find that it will simply stop spinning.