Bought the console before the new year before the rise in price for 20990 in white. To say that the console looks great is an understatement. Before that, there was the previous generation from the MS Xbox 360, it's silly to compare them, but in terms of joysticks, the convenience of using the Sony controller is much higher. As for games: if you have good internet, then google buying games for 2 or 3 on the Internet, it's cheaper by two or even 3 times and no risks. Many write about a small hard drive. I will answer you that I have not seen anything easier than replacing the hard drive on the PS4 console. Look for a suitable model on the Internet, take it immediately for 2 TB, insert and transfer all the data to a new one. With age, I came to the conclusion that it is better sometimes (once or twice) a quarter to buy a really good exclusive and play it for an hour or two a day.