I recently had to work on an iPhone 8 plus and had the screen replaced. Unfortunately I couldn't do everything in one sitting, so I left it on my desk where it shouldn't be disturbed. У меня были все винты в порядке и на месте, где я мог сказать, куда они должны идти, когда я пошел, чтобы вставить их обратно, и пока я был на работе, мой племянник решил, что хочет помочь, потому что это был его Phone. When I got home the next morning all my screws were broken and I had no idea where they went. Luckily, ifixit.com gives you links to all the screws and where they go when you take your phone apart, and you just have to follow the instructions in reverse order to put it back together. This is where the caliper comes into play. . Without this handy tool, I would never have assembled this iPhone without shorting and bricking it up.