is enough This is the second controller I've received after sending the first one back to Revain as a clear defect. They come in neat retail packaging and are clearly new but quality control has been lost by man. The first one I got had an oily film all over it that made my hands itchy (creepy) and the D-PAD down and right directions only registered half the time and made a clicking sound when I pressed them. The second one I got doesn't have the oily allergy film this time, but the navigation bar still makes a clicking sound when pushed down and in the right direction. (This doesn't happen with my other two 360 controllers). In this case, the down direction only works 75% of the time. Since this is only part of the controller and it still works pretty well, I'll give it a 3/5. I'm wondering if Microsoft recently switched OEMs? Anyhow, I can't help but feel like this is a way to lure Windows users into buying a new Xbox One controller and Xbox One wireless adapter.
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