I really wish this type of kits had a real Dupont IDC crimp type with terminal leads instead of pulling the color coded IDC ribbon cable, stripping the wire, tinning it, crimping the pins of Dupont plugs or sockets and soldering them together, hoping you left enough slack in the ribbon cable to fit the pins into a plain 1 or 2 wide dupont connector so you don't strip too much insulator anywhere along the line. But in concept it totally meets my needs, I have yet to trust this kit that it won't be a huge pain in the ass when I start, so I haven't started with another one that has the manually detachable IDC tape isolator and the Number of strands stripped conductors together which pissed me off right away so I left frustrated at how difficult it would be to do it by hand. It's not those connectors' fault, it's a processing method that gives you hope you've gotten all the prep work right with the included IDC ribbon cable, which you'll have to stretch with an X-axcto knife and strip with a 10-year old cheap mechanical Radio Shack stripper I had 4 houses ago. I haven't forced myself to use it because it looks tedious and trying to play around with this pin by pin kit after neck surgery is still not a very pleasant prospect. I can't give an unbiased review until I actually try it, having gone through the process that caused the initial frustration that immediately came with using old strippers. It's time to order me a new one from the ones I think.
👜 BAGSMART Электронный органайзер-сумка - органайзер для кабелей при путешествии для жестких дисков, зарядного устройства, телефона, кабелей, USB и SD-карт - голубой (женская маленькая)
4 Review
Сумка-органайзер BAGSMART для мелких предметов электроники: жесткие диски, кабели, USB, SD-карты - черного цвета.
3 Review
🔌 Сумка-органайзер для проводов: удобный для путешествий органайзер для маленьких электронных аксессуаров - прочный, портативный и стильный в сером цвете
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Двухслойная прозрачная сумка для организации электроники - большой органайзер для гаджетов для мужчин, 🎒 кофр для организации кабелей и аксессуаров для электроники во время путешествий, зарядное устройство, кабель USB, iPad Mini - идеальный подарок для электроники.
3 Review