I looked at the first version of this bag a while ago before it sold out and then stopped was in stock. Now this newer version is out and I've decided to spend the money. I thought it might be a little pricey at first but seems worth it if you just need a nice bag to carry everything you need without spending too much. Manbag or have a few things too much for the pockets. I have a few small backpacks and shoulder bags that I will still use, but I've always been looking for something that isn't too bulky and doesn't look like a wallet. That fits the bill perfectly. This bag is very compact and fits snugly to the body. You can carry it around in a crowd and don't have to worry about it crashing or snagging on people or things around you. It's very easy to sit down and not worry about your bag. The strap is adjustable and I like to wear it snug enough to know it's there and it fits under my arm really well when walking. This would be great for festivals, ball games or just to keep your belongings in one place, even if you didn't have to carry them around and keep them in your car/truck and still be able to take them with you when needed. We will definitely use this when we travel. The pockets are large and flat. The large inside pocket offers space for my Kindle Fire (7-inch tablet), the other pockets take my cell phone, wallet, passport, etc. The material is nice and the design is not "trendy" but much nicer. as a canvas bag, a nylon holdall or a leather belt bag and looks good and is easy to clean. The strap is adjustable and fits me well. I'm 5ft 10", 215lbs and somewhat athletic build for a 43 year old (I can drop a few off a cauldron) so this fits me very well although I don't look like the model in the pictures (maybe 20 years ago). , lol). Complaints about the fit may apply to some, I can't comment on that, but this bag is designed to fit snugly and snugly under your chest, by your side, sort of like a half vest or halter. Don't expect to use this as a small backpack. If you have something bulky or a lot of small things that don't lay reasonably flat, this can still work, but it can render that flimsy bag meaningless. An example would be a glasses case or a water bottle. Maybe a carabiner or something? Overall this bag is perfect for some occasions and will find a place in my closet. It might be a bit much to spend on one bag. But if you've got it for the times it's designed for and it works great, I'm in business.
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