This book is really great if you don't know what you're doing, what kind of craft it is for you, or if you're interested in branching out into any form of embroidery. The explanations of the different threads, tools and how to use each embroidery type were very well written and I now feel much more confident about which projects to try and which ones to stray far from. The illustrations were excellent, much more useful than the photos. There are also lots of little tips that I found *really* helpful, such as: The included designs are both fun and functional, easy to make, and some even offer "shortcuts" for those who don't need perfection (ie, skip using scrap paper to keep stitches straight and even - if that's the case not your thing). I would buy another book in this series Workshop of Everything A few reasons for four stars instead of five because I was interested in the cross stitch part of the book and I feel that after reading Basics (which is the entire study part ) still have questions of the book, after that all projects) Also the attached practice stitch chart only highlights a few (6) stitches, and not even difficult ones (although I agree that these are the most commonly used stitches for free motion embroidery) and not pre-punched. Of course, most books probably don't even have an exercise chart, but I found it to be a bit of a half effort. I would have preferred a full page card but perforated.
DMC 1767-18 Таписерийные ручные иглы, 6 штук, размер 18: премиум иглы для высококачественного шитья
5 Review
🪡 Размер 18 Гобеленовые иглы - набор из 6 штук
4 Review
Pllieay 5 шт. 7 пластиковых сетчатых холщовых листов для вышивки, изготовления акриловой пряжи, вязания и вязания крючком (10,2 х 13,2 дюйма, поставляются с 4 ткацкими иглами, черные)
10 Review
🧵 Улучшите свой ремесленный навык: представляем иглы Colonial Needle Tapestry Petites разных размеров
5 Review
240 мотков ниток для вышивки крестиком - 100% египетский хлопок с длинными стеблями - мерсеризованная вышивальная нить для браслетов дружбы - общая длина 1920 м - 8 метров на мотке - 24 мотка в пакете - 10 пакетов.
8 Review
Набор для вышивания крестиком Maydear - набор для начинающих мастеров рукоделия | С отпечатанным рисунком | Полный набор 11CT с 3 нитями | Звездная ночь Винсента Ван Гога | 23×18 дюймов.
8 Review
Нить для вышивки Similane: 50 мотков радужных цветов для крестиком дружбы браслетов и ремесел - включает 12 катушек и инструмент для навертывания иглы.
8 Review
🧵 Набор вышивальных мулине DMC - Популярные цвета, набор вышивальных ниток, 36 разноцветных пучков, включая DMC Mouline Cotton - Белый/Черный, и иглы для крестика DMC Hand.
8 Review