Buyers beware, this float is a fine replica of the real thing, but the material isn't as strong. After the first swap the boat started and after some adjustments seemed to be running great. A few days later he began to work rich and black smoke came out. Further adjustments yielded the same results. I began to notice that the surface was blistered and scratched in several places. After slight pressure on this area, it collapsed. I've found blister spots to wear out and dirt to get into my fuel tank. If you're working without ethanol, then this is a great substitute. I was unlucky and ordered a Sierra Brass float. All of the Sierra products I ordered to restore my 1989 Mercruiser 5.0 worked great. It was a mistake on my part and there are many warnings that ethanol will eat it up. I didn't think it would be that quick and I was hoping that in a couple of months I could expect to finish the season. Not once landed in the water.
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