I felt compelled to write a review of this wonderful device after reading a terribly monotonous review from someone who does not even own this device. good The size is the smallest on the market. Fits comfortably in your pocket and unlike many other PDAs, doesn't feel like you're carrying a brick. Speed. Many benchmarks rate this device faster than the 2215, which uses a 400MHz Intel processor. Audio, video plays as smoothly as possible. It's very fast. Bluetooth - Bluetooth (bt) makes this device just as functional and expandable as larger and more expensive devices. Bluetooth applications include: Link to bt GPS for real-time driving and mapping. Link to bt cell phone for mobile remote access. PC connection for wireless searching, printing and viewing. .Screen - Best screen on the market (except 1910) Battery - Battery power is sufficient. If necessary, you can buy an additional battery quite cheaply. Minuses! Non-standard headphone jack - it comes with an adapter that works really well, but it's still a lot more inconvenient than I expected. Screen - The screen has a yellow tint to pure white when you tilt the device away from you. I hardly notice it and don't think it's a bad thing, but I've read that others are put off by it. The screen is still one of the best on the market. The lack of a docking station is not a problem for me, especially with Bluetooth. In short: with the exception of a commercial infrared port (there was an IR port in 1945, but not a commercial one) which would allow it to be used as a universal remote control, there is nothing this PDA cannot do, other than getting bigger and more expensive devices already. In my opinion this is the best PDA on the market. If size matters, you won't find a better 1945. If very compact size (and money) is not important to you, I recommend the 2215. There's nothing this PDA can't do, other than getting bigger and bigger than the more expensive devices. In my opinion this is the best PDA on the market. If size matters, you won't find a better 1945. If very compact size (and money) is not important to you, I recommend the 2215. There's nothing this PDA can't do, other than getting bigger and bigger than the more expensive devices. In my opinion this is the best PDA on the market. If size matters, you won't find a better 1945. If very compact size (and money) is not important to you, I recommend the 2215.
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