I was looking for genuine Switch controllers on Amazon and came across this advert. My favorite color is pink, that was the first thing that attracted me. At first I was skeptical that this controller would work at this price point compared to legitimate controllers and it even came with a black center section so I was sold. So far I've been using this non-stop for almost 2 weeks and press the buttons lightly and haven't had any major issues and would definitely recommend it to people who are hesitant to get it! So far I am completely satisfied with my purchase! Here are the pros and cons: Pros: - Feels very natural when there are Joy-Cons on the Switch - Aesthetically pleasing light pink color - Works easily and connects effortlessly - Slightly wider than the original controllers, so there there is something else that should be considered to offer better ergonomics when the joysticks are on the switch. it will work like new - at night you can see green lights through the controller as the controller is made of thinner plastic, but you will be too busy with the game to be bothered - the position of the controllers when using the connected black center My arms and shoulders get in an uncomfortable position, so after playing for a while my shoulders start to feel uncomfortable