Model TG01-2022ur 5B1C3EA with AMD Ryzen 5600G Therefore, one of the benefits of purchasing this item is that it can serve as a computer at the cost of a video card. To a good degree, or quite close to it. One of the drawbacks is that the motherboard is not like any other. It has its own dimensions, its own mounting, and a power supply connector with four pins (rather than a comb, as on a typical PC). Power supply with a total of 400W, in my opinion. The chassis is on the little side, and the cooling on the graphics card can be a bit shoddy at times. Yes, the case itself is a proprietary design, and it is not possible to simply plug in a another motherboard at that location. The motherboard is the only component that will fit into this case. By way of update, 64 GB of memory and a Ryzen 7 5700G processor were typically obtained. Since the power supply is no longer working, upgrading to a more powerful processor is probably not worth the effort. Additionally, the heatsink is a proprietary design, and the packaged heatsink that is sold by AMD does not work with this enclosure. As I've mentioned before, they cut costs on the M.2 connector. This is not the spot to come if you require a very quick drive because it is not available here. He was so upset that he took off the connection that connected the motherboard to the backlight of the casing, which was located underneath. Simultaneously, the LED that was located on the power button altered its color to white. There is no information on RGB in the BIOS, so I will just assume that it is present. There is no mention of it on the HP website either. Well, okay. The white illumination behind the power button is just what I need.