I bought this for my 4 year old who was definitely too big for it, but she is very tall for her age. I took a chance on this but it didn’t work out for me so if you are looking for a stroller for an older kid and you have doubts and if your kid is on the larger size for their age I’d say don’t get it. However it would be perfect for toddlers of course, or possibly an older child that is on the small/average side. I only bought this hoping I could use it for a month while my car was getting worked on so it would make public transit easier with my 4 year old. It’s a pretty basic stroller but definitely a step up from the cheapy umbrella strollers you get at say Walmart for super cheap. I’m 5’9 and it was a good height for me to where I could tell that if it had fit my daughter I wouldn’t have to bend over and hurt my back while pushing it. Overall nice stroller, my girl is just too big for it lol I can’t speak on the durability of course since I didn’t use it but for the price I’m sure you could get some decent use out of it.