Many people write about problems with sticks (they say they will climb, etc., etc.) Nonsense! Learn to use! For four generations of PlayStation (1,2,3 and now the fourth), not a single joystick has broken, has not been rubbed ! (except for the inscriptions on them))) Bought for games. I play, I can't stop. And all sorts of movie playback functions, what for are they needed if you have a computer? In our time of digital technologies and all sorts of smart TVs, watching movies is not a problem at all ! I think so. As for the purchase, if the prices for games with excellent optimization for 2800-3000 are not a problem for you, definitely take it ! For many people have problems with money and they start rinsing the PS system for nothing. I can afford to buy two or three CDs a month, don't care! Exclusive games from Sony are great so take the Sony PlayStation 4 you won't regret it!