Media could not be loaded. I used one of these circuit breakers to set up the solar system in our caravan. I placed it between the charge controller and the battery pack and it fits my 30 amp controller perfectly. It's nice to have peace of mind that the controller won't overcharge or overheat the batteries if something goes wrong. The main reason I wanted a resettable fuse was because we are often without power in a trailer and with a resettable circuit breaker I don't have to worry about not having a replaceable fuse when we are out of range. The terminals on the switch are supplied with an external toothed washer so the connection to the ring terminals is always good. Each pin has a rubber cap to prevent accidental contact and the whole mounts compactly and easily almost anywhere with two bolt/screw holes on opposite corners from the connector pins. The yellow button on the front is a test button that allows you to manually break the circuit. However, if it's already disabled, the yellow flag is easy to spot and you just need to reset it to reset it. It's very simple, there is nothing special.