I've been using one of these for years. thousand times. It is an essential tool in my main tool bag. always with me, in every project. any type of project. For those who don't know what a vernier caliper is, this tool accepts 3 types of measurements: OD, ID, and depth. The main goal is the outside diameter, which represents the main jaws. Just roll your thumb, unroll the reel and read the dial. The smaller cheeks on the back are "inverted". You use them to measure the inside of a hole or whatever. Finally, when you open the jaws, the "rod" comes out from underneath. to measure the depth of the hole you open beyond the required depth and simply press down until the bottom of the tool touches the top of the surface. What is written on the dial is the depth. Another point is the calibration. Simply close the caliper (make sure the jaws are clean) and then turn the dial until the needle is at zero. There's no lock, so the dial can be rotated by slapping it or simply slipping it into a tool pouch. This is a trivial but necessary step. Check the calibration EVERY time you use it. Open and close it a few times to make sure you get the same reading. if not clean and recalibrate. This is NOT a "precise" instrument. Some readers refer to some premium brands, usually measured in thousandths of an inch. Add a hundred bucks if you want/need one of these. I have them too, but they sit in my closet with my other precision instruments and are rarely used even though it's an "everyday item". Materials, including final carpentry. With this tool you can achieve museum quality or leave gaps of 1/8 inch, the choice is yours. but it is a dream tool for carpentry. When you run the boards through the thickness machine, a quick check and you know "exactly" where you are. You will need a 2 3/8 mark to attach the loop. Install and mark. Finished. Now why this tool and not tape First you need both and one is not a substitute for the other but rather measures small objects (up to 6 inches) and this tool is a bomb that I just pulled out of the radiator. The utility of this tool is literally limitless. By the way, you can just throw away the box and throw it in your bag. It is durable and made of stainless steel. Yes, I keep my expensive calipers and dial gauges, micrometers in their plastic cases, in a desk drawer, but this just fits in a pocket for easy access to handling, being exposed to drops, dirt, solvents, etc. To be honest, without "abuse" this tool will never wear out. and the second is a gift to a friend who wants to know the size of the wheel bearing on his boat trailer. so now uses a million AND ONE. A lot of people talk about the price, that's just the icing on the cake for me. When I first got it I was really surprised at the quality of the $25 build. Over time, the price went up, but oddly enough, the price went up to $40-45 for a couple of weeks and then dropped back down to $30. If you are not in a hurry buy in the last comment, for those of you tempted to buy a digital caliper I sincerely do not recommend. The battery comes first, which means your result is always a factor in the quality of the battery, but more importantly, the point of this tool is to read the value quickly and interpret it EASY using a fractional measurement system becomes. When you get 0.0127 you have to stop and count to find out it's a little over 1/8th of an inch, but with the dial you can tell right away. the arrow goes just over 1/8.