The price and product were perfect, what wasn't perfect was the seller's communication skills, the unusually long time it took to receive the item and how he just can't listen to the buyer. Thank you Hugo for finally sending the product I paid for the day I ordered it but the hassle you caused me was NOT worth dealing with and it's a shame because you made this offer to other business owners. Thanks again for the perfect price for a box of perfect products and thanks to Revane for refunding my money when Hugo didn't respond to my many requests with your business guarantee. It still doesn't make up for the delays it caused, the time lost, or the degradation it experienced.
1 Inch Beduan Brass Electric Solenoid Valve, 12V Normally Closed Air Valve For Water, Gas, Fuel, And Oil
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12V Brass Solenoid Valve, 3/4" Electric Air Valve For Water, Air, Gas, Fuel And Oil - Normally Closed By Beduan
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6 Pack Miahart Adjustable 304 Stainless Steel 4 Inch Hose Clamp Duct 91Mm-114Mm Worm Gear Pipe Clamp For Automotive, Mechanical Agriculture.
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