Due to a limited budget I was looking for cheaper gift ideas for children this year. I bought it for my 4 year old son for his birthday. This is truly an amazing toy at an amazing price. It was a bit difficult for us to assemble for its age. but my 7 year old son was able to help him. I love that they have an educational toy that they can both enjoy at the same time. The finished product gave them a great sense of accomplishment. The assembly instructions are helpful and accurate. It took about an hour to complete them. The robot dog is so cute! His answers are quick and he really gets to the bone! It's great fun to watch the kids play with him (they call him Sparky). We've had him for about 3 months now and although they don't play with him as much as they used to, Sparky would come back to the living room every few days or so to entertain them again. Unbelievable price under $20. It was beautifully packaged and a great gift idea. I would definitely buy it again for another child in the family.