Bought for our 4.5 year old, ordered X-Small as directed. The tunic reaches almost to the knees, covers the legs almost to the top of the head. In general, it looks good - the colors are clear, the pattern on the chest is well printed, and the material used by the manufacturer for "mail" looks beautiful. It comes with a headgear (hood), a tunic with attached "mailing" sleeves (surcoat/chain mail) and pant/shoe covers (greaves), and a faux leather-fronted belt. But it looks good and fits well. , the material of the sleeves and the hood is very thin - it started to crumble at one cuff. So it won't stand up to tough adventures (at least not for long), but careful wear and tear will extend its lifespan. We applied a dab of glue to the cuffs and hood cutouts for the neck and face, then rolled strips of unnecessary material around the edges - made a fabric hem inside and out to protect the material. This has the dual benefit of strengthening the material and giving it a more "realistic" look.