After reading many reviews I decided to order this handlebar and pedal stand for use with iRacing. I've used many different approaches in the past, including a PVC coaster that I built, but none of them stayed in place very well. With the pedals on the stand along with the bike, it's easy to keep the stand in place. It also has rubber feet to prevent slipping. The kickstand is fairly solid and offers good support for quick left-right transitions with the handlebars. The pedals sit at a decent angle, and the angle and height adjustment of the stand is an added bonus. The included assembly instructions were ok - some things were not entirely clear but I was able to figure it out through trial and error. . The parts I received didn't match the quantity listed in the instructions, but I was able to assemble everything in a timely manner, including the shifter bracket, which I'm not currently using. Using this stand is definitely more fun than plugging it in. Wheel to the TV stand!
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