I always thought that the original Xbox one was a horribly underpowered machine, turns out that is not the case at all.I began looking into this because I was afking in gta v and all too often, I woke up only to find the game had crashed. I suspected overheating might be playing a role so I aimed a fan directly at the console, and like magic, it stopped crashing. Turns out that the cooling fans inside the console are abysmal and this does a fantastic job of sucking air through and blowing hot air away. At this point, if you have found this attachment and gotten this far into my review, then you already know that you need this. So I found this inexpensive fan attachment that fits beautifully on the xbone. And I immediately notice massive performance increases frames chop less, load times are significantly reduced, and it is oh so quiet. When it first arrived I noticed what I could only describe as chirping like a bird, very very faint but it was definitely there. What you want to do is take out all the screws from the bottom, and very carefully release the clips from either side (very obvious where the clip is). Once you manage to get inside this thing all you need to do is follow the wire underneath the sticker. Peel it back and there is a nice little reservoir about 2mm deep and the size of a screw head. Here what you want to do is carefully place a drop of grease right inside. You can see where the fan fixes to the housing if you spin the fan it spins. Then put everything back the way you found it and you're done. If yours doesn't chirp in any way and you also don't have the tools to more easily get inside(properly sized bits and abrasion resistant "spatulas" to pry it open) then maybe don't do it. It is not a whole lot quieter beyond the chirp, however, it is quieter and possibly better off for having been lubed. They definitely don't intend for you to get in and out of this thing all the time, but with a little determination, it can be done.Update: I've owned this for several months now with no regrets. I have since replaced the thermal paste on my Xbox and combined with this fan, the air moving out of my Xbox is significantly cooler. (my factory paste had a big air bubble in it, which probably contributed to its awful cooling) Also worth noting that all the air is directed out the front and away from the console.If you don't have the desire or confidence to crack your console open, this fan alone should solve your overheating problems. Also since greasing the fan it hasn't caused and unforeseen problems and still very quiet if that concerned you.