Nobody compares to a handkerchief, which also serves as an emery cloth for polishing the skin of the nose. I have no idea what idiot thought coarse polyester was a good idea for a handkerchief. Let's think about that for a second. Which color shows the booger with the best contrast? um white? What does not tolerate wet sneezing at all and leaves a wet stain on your pants if you put a snot-soaked handkerchief in your pocket? Um, polyester handkerchief. So what low-quality git makes stark white polyester men's handkerchiefs - and expects them to be used? I have a low tolerance for idiots, especially idiots who make products unfit for the purpose for which they are intended. runny nose to wipe the sweat from hard work or use as a homemade mask. They're tasteful, colorful, and feel like Supima cotton (I have no idea if they do) - and I'm glad I read the reviews.
Experience Lightweight Durability ๐ with Horizon Gunmetal Ultralight Black Strap
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