I usually buy designer or hand-painted leather bags. I have a rich arsenal, but now for travel or shopping malls, I'm looking for a small, easy-to-store shoulder bag that can fit my iPhoneX, credit cards, lipstick, etc. My Brand bag designers did not offer what I was looking for. I wanted zippers instead of a valve that doesn't stay closed. I also don't want to be loaded down with a fat bag or mailman-style belt. Well my god I found everything with really cute well done embroidery! I'm picky and if I'm not wearing brand it's better to choose something else that will stand out. To try on this bag, I took a small black one with a small zipper in the front. Only the front pocket holds my huge bunch of car keys and my small reading glasses. The other two compartments are generously sized so you don't have to pinch your fingers to get the right credit card. However, this bag is thin. The zippers are solid and there are no loose seams. My highest praise for the beautiful bright embroidery. The shoulder strap is made of a slim cotton fabric that matches my outfit. I'm 5ft 9" tall and I can tell you that if you are tall you can tighten the belt for someone 5ft 2" or like me, the belt goes to the bottom of my thigh where I like to slide it behind me let a little. I'm still shocked at the price. This is now one of my favorite everyday bags! I will buy lighter ones for the summer.
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