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Review on 🌬️ Xiaomi KJ300F-X3 (M) CN Air Purifier - White/Black/Grey by Iveta Chatrnchov Boj ᠌

Revainrating 4 out of 5

I'm completely satisfied with the product, it works.

Impressions from aliexpress Plus are the best. This is a rich assortment of goods at real prices, and ease of delivery, and solid packaging, and the quality of goods, as well as clear information and attentive attitude to customers. Respect!

Updated 2 years ago
Rating has not been changed

I have attached some photos to my review to provide a more intimate understanding of my experience.



  • Relatively low price of this product, prompt solution of the problem with delivery to the point of issue, clear information about the progress of the order. The device is equipped with an adapter from the Chinese power plug to the EU. , at first glance, it works, it is controlled by a button.
  • The lack of a remote control and brushes for cleaning filters, which should be attached to the air cleaner, the filters are already dusty, it seems that they are not straight from the conveyor. The included instructions are in Chinese only. These are claims rather to the supplier of this batch of devices. Testing and setting up control via a smartphone using the Internet is required.