You now have the ability to manually change the ISO and shutter speed, in addition to adjusting the automatic exposure with compensation ranging from -3 to +3, as a result of the recent release of a new firmware version (1.0.5). Because of this, the final significant shortcoming of this drone has been resolved. Both of these features were only available in the early versions of the microdrone, which meant that users were unable to manually adjust either the exposure or the BB. This resulted in the microdrone being a subpar craft, despite the fact that the concept behind it was sound. It was even conceivable to utilize it for amateur video shooting, albeit with a great deal of trepidation, due to the fact that the outcome was exceptionally unpredictable and, most of the time, revolting. The Mavic Mini, on the other hand, has emerged as an excellent traveling companion since since the floating BB issue was resolved and the exposure was adjusted. Detail at 2.7K is more than sufficient for amateur video, and the image still appears good even when viewed on a 4K screen that is 55 inches. I initially intended to purchase this drone as an add-on to its older brothers, primarily because of its weight, which allows it to circumvent a number of restrictions that are currently in place in the EU. However, it has since come to my attention that it can frequently serve as a replacement. It writes acceptable video quality when the sun is shining brightly and there is little to no breeze. In addition, small dimensions make it possible to rapidly ascend to a height of at least 70 meters in order to conceal oneself from nosy onlookers and avoid drawing the attention of law enforcement personnel. I am referring not only to the police, but also to "aware" citizens who make it a habit of rushing to the police station at the first available chance, as is typical in European countries. The amount of time needed to prepare for the flight is short, it locates satellites in a couple of seconds, and it can be carried along with the camera in a compact backpack. A extremely successful drone. If a flight planner had been designed specifically for him, then the general attractiveness of the situation. Yet, it does not appear that this will take place before the summer. Will have to hold their breath.