UPDATE - August 2021 - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Updated firmware to latest July 2021 version via browser. Now Siri works without device crashes! So far the device seems to be the best in the latest version. You must update each version individually until you get to the latest version. Not the most intuitive coding. The time will show. I am increasing my rating. I see the mirroring options in the UI but I don't know how to enable them. It would be great if it came in handy for video streaming. The software is too buggy and the specs of the device don't allow continuous Carplay experience. I'm more annoyed with Ford for missing this feature in my compatible vehicle. Out of the Box: Set up and connected the device in less than 5 minutes and I was out listening to music and taking calls. 30 seconds to connect. In any case, my system takes the same amount of time to boot (thanks to Ford). 1. Problem: Connection is not restored (manually or automatically). Same day as installation. Solution: Delete Bluetooth profile on iPhone. Delete Carlinkit's saved phone. Disconnect/plug Carlinkit. Restart your phone. Start the installation process again. 2. Problem: audio lag, watch a video on youtube or tiktok and it looks like a bad english dub. Solution: As far as I can tell, no. I can live with this lag problem. 3. Problem: UI lag, see video. Unresponsive user interface. I know Messages/Siri is causing this lag. Sometimes jumping to the next songs in Spotify happens randomly. This is very contradictory. Solution: Contact the Comcast modem. Disable for 30 seconds. Plug it in again. 2.5/5 stars. I will come back and update my review after I figure out how to flash the updated firmware. After that, if I can fix it without problems, I'll increase my rating to 4 stars. It would only give 5 stars if I plugged it in and never thought about it again.
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