I have a 15 minute timer. Looks good, corresponds to the picture. I bought it to get pictures for meetings and breaks throughout the day. I wasn't expecting perfect accuracy - I have an iPhone that will measure this to the second with any desired alarm. The ad text clearly indicates a possible time difference of +/- 10%. This would be 1.5 minutes on a 15 minute timer, or 13.5 to 16.5 minutes. The 15 minute timer I got runs an average of about 19 minutes and 15 seconds. The sand is visibly constantly sticking to the sides on either end of the timer, with a lot more on one side than the other, so it's probably not that accurate and likely a manufacturing issue. Not the best choice, you need accuracy :( when communicating with for example kids or team members you need to keep an eye on during a meeting :) But it really looks like a photo, attractive enough and good for general time.
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