Although these shoes are advertised as sneakers and running shoes, the sad reality is that they are only athletic slippers. I would not recommend them for running, although they are suitable for everyday use around the house. But long walks like walking through the mall will put a strain on your feet when you expect the support and design of real sneakers or sneakers. You have nothing on your feet. They make a decent slipper around the house, porch or driveway. Fits as expected. They seem a bit overpriced to me, especially since you can get the best real sneakers at Big5 or WallyMart for the same price and they don't look like slippers. There are a lot of positive reviews here, but I don't think these people would really know real running shoes or running shoes. I was hoping to find cheap and light sneakers for everyday wear, but these shoes are like slippers: they're comfortable to walk around the house, but you can't run or walk in them.
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