I have used elastic cords and compression straps to attach bags to my bike for years. After the full loop compression strap snapped while attaching my bag to my sissy bar and I couldn't find the perfect length bungee cord, I got frustrated and started looking for a better option to replace it. I quickly discovered Rock Straps and immediately ordered a few sets. I've ordered this and a shorter (12-42") set. This set is much wider and definitely designed for a heavy load like a jam-packed gym bag, but will fit anything big or small. This is the absolute best style to attach things to the bike and I wish I could open them sooner! They are so convenient and easy to use. They are much better than bungee cords because they are adjustable so you always have the perfect length. They will attached with a loop at the attachment point so you can undo the strap and both sides stay in place so you can quickly remove and replace your bag or whatever you're securing (no more throwing bungee on the ground when you catch your bag from falling off.) The compression strap I used was just a large loop so I had to hold my bag in place while I wrap the compression strap around my load and bar elte, anything with a compression strap is uncomfortable. I recommend this product to chopper lovers who are adventurous with a big ol' backpack attached to their sissy bar. That's all I can vouch for because that's all I've used them for so far, but after using them I foresee dozens of other uses they'll be perfect for. Roof racks and they are perfect Doesn't damage the surfboard, super fast loading and unloading, handles freeway speeds (I've been going 80mph for a while) with no noise or vibration Also, I'd like to add I always have a set of 42" (5/ 8" wide) on my bike which is perfect for attaching my jacket, backpack, bag, spare or even spare wheel. 👌🏼
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