I've had this a long time and have ridden it at least 1000 miles. it is strong and durable. As with all things, you have to consider the rear weight. Even if you don't have that much, it still drives differently, but you really can't tell unless you're paying close attention or hitting 80+ mph. and I had to shift my weight more to the front wheel. at lower speeds there is no difference. Also, this bike wasn't really designed for that, but hey. It can hold a decent lunch box and a change from loved ones, or a decent amount of items for weekend adventures. It is easy to assemble and just as easy to remove. The helmet in the picture is medium in size. I'm not worried about not being able to stow my helmet as I usually just wear it or side mount it, but I pack my jacket, gloves, shoes etc in a bag. So far I've had no trouble fetching water when my morning commute starts around 5am, while some days there's still a lot of humidity in the air after a rainy night. I took the duffel with hooks and now I have a better way to carry it by either the shoulder strap or shoulder straps for easier on and off.
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