My kid wanted this as a gift so we bought it for his 4th birthday. Upon delivery, the outer shipping box was fine, but the product box was damaged, especially the top, although the toy itself was fine. 4th, the receiver noticed the damage but didn't attach much importance to it. Every detail has proven solid so far, including the mane and hair clips. The unicorn is fun and my child enjoyed using the brush feature although it can be a bit difficult for a 4 year old and I expect it will get easier as they get older/get used to the feel. It works great for me. The microphone has to touch the sensor under Mila's mouth/snout to hear her sing, which can be tricky (or fun?) because her head is spinning during the song. I don't feel like it lived up to the "magic" my child was expecting, but Mila plays every other day or so and often comes along for family games or gets hired for other creative play, so what else could we expect? or hope. It's worth seeing my baby's face when the wrapping paper comes off.
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