This is probably the most ridiculous thing I've ever bought. Here's why: 1. You'll need either a serial port (which hasn't been on a PC or laptop for over 10 years) or a USB adapter.2. The software had all sorts of Windows 10 compatibility issues that I had to google to fix. The interface is something from 1995.4. Good luck getting a replacement cable when that flimsy thing wears out.5. When you do something, you feel like you're doing it in the most complex and confusing way. 6. Much troubleshooting work required. Always a problem.7. And to top it off, the price tag for this outdated software/system dinosaur is outrageous. I'm giving it 2 stars instead of 1 because if you pay very close attention to every little detail you can make it work properly. We use this for events at our facility and always reprogram the door schedule and when it works it's nice not to have to watch the door. However, if I need something like this again, I will consider other products.
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